Source code for zope.structuredtext.stng

# Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
""" Core document model.
from __future__ import print_function

import re
from . import stdom

__metaclass__ = type

[docs]def indention(str, front=re.compile(r"^\s+").match): """Find the number of leading spaces. If none, return 0. """ result = front(str) if result is not None: start, end = result.span() return end-start else: return 0 # no leading spaces
[docs]def insert(struct, top, level): """Find what will be the parant paragraph of a sentence and return that paragraph's sub-paragraphs. The new paragraph will be appended to those sub-paragraphs """ if top - 1 not in range(len(struct)): if struct: return struct[len(struct)-1].getSubparagraphs() return struct run = struct[top-1] i = 0 while i+1 < level: run = run.getSubparagraphs()[len(run.getSubparagraphs())-1] i = i + 1 return run.getSubparagraphs()
[docs]def display(struct): """Runs through the structure and prints out the paragraphs. If the insertion works correctly, display's results should mimic the orignal paragraphs. """ if struct.getColorizableTexts(): print('\n'.join(struct.getColorizableTexts())) if struct.getSubparagraphs(): for x in struct.getSubparagraphs(): display(x)
[docs]def display2(struct): """Runs through the structure and prints out the paragraphs. If the insertion works correctly, display's results should mimic the orignal paragraphs. """ if struct.getNodeValue(): print(struct.getNodeValue(), "\n") if struct.getSubparagraphs(): for x in struct.getSubparagraphs(): display(x)
[docs]def findlevel(levels, indent): """Remove all level information of levels with a greater level of indentation. Then return which level should insert this paragraph """ keys = list(levels.keys()) for key in keys: if levels[key] > indent: del levels[key] keys = levels.keys() if not keys: return 0 else: for key in keys: if levels[key] == indent: return key highest = 0 for key in keys: if key > highest: highest = key return highest-1
def flatten(obj, append): if obj.getNodeType() == stdom.TEXT_NODE: append(obj.getNodeValue()) else: for child in obj.getChildNodes(): flatten(child, append) para_delim = r'(\n\s*\n|\r\n\s*\r\n)' # UNIX or DOS line endings, respectively
[docs]def structurize(paragraphs, delimiter=re.compile(para_delim)): """Accepts paragraphs, which is a list of lines to be parsed. structurize creates a structure which mimics the structure of the paragraphs. Structure => [paragraph,[sub-paragraphs]] """ currentlevel = 0 currentindent = 0 levels = {0:0} level = 0 # which header are we under struct = [] # the structure to be returned run = struct paragraphs = paragraphs.expandtabs() paragraphs = '%s%s%s' % ('\n\n', paragraphs, '\n\n') paragraphs = delimiter.split(paragraphs) paragraphs = [x for x in paragraphs if x.strip()] if not paragraphs: return StructuredTextDocument() ind = [] # structure based on indention levels for paragraph in paragraphs: ind.append([indention(paragraph), paragraph]) currentindent = indention(paragraphs[0]) levels[0] = currentindent for indent, paragraph in ind: if indent == 0: level = level + 1 currentlevel = 0 currentindent = 0 levels = {0:0} struct.append(StructuredTextParagraph(paragraph, indent=indent, level=currentlevel)) elif indent > currentindent: currentlevel = currentlevel + 1 currentindent = indent levels[currentlevel] = indent run = insert(struct, level, currentlevel) run.append(StructuredTextParagraph(paragraph, indent=indent, level=currentlevel)) elif indent < currentindent: result = findlevel(levels, indent) if result > 0: currentlevel = result currentindent = indent if not level: # pragma: no cover Can we ever even get here? struct.append(StructuredTextParagraph(paragraph, indent=indent, level=currentlevel)) else: run = insert(struct, level, currentlevel) run.append(StructuredTextParagraph(paragraph, indent=indent, level=currentlevel)) else: if insert(struct, level, currentlevel): run = insert(struct, level, currentlevel) else: run = struct currentindent = indent run.append(StructuredTextParagraph(paragraph, indent=indent, level=currentlevel)) return StructuredTextDocument(struct)
[docs]class StructuredTextParagraph(stdom.Element): indent = 0 def __init__(self, src, subs=None, **kw): if subs is None: subs = [] self._src = src self._subs = list(subs) self._attributes = kw.keys() for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def getChildren(self): src = self._src if not isinstance(src, list): src = [src] return src+self._subs
def getSubparagraphs(self): return self._subs def setSubparagraphs(self, subs): self._subs = subs def getColorizableTexts(self): return (self._src,) def setColorizableTexts(self, src): self._src = src[0] def __repr__(self): r = [] a = r.append a((' '*(self.indent or 0)) + ('%s(' % self.__class__.__name__) + str(self._src) + ', [') for p in self._subs: a(repr(p)) a((' '*(self.indent or 0))+'])') return '\n'.join(r)
[docs]class StructuredTextDocument(StructuredTextParagraph): """A StructuredTextDocument holds StructuredTextParagraphs as its subparagraphs. """ _attributes = () def __init__(self, subs=None, **kw): super(StructuredTextDocument, self).__init__('', subs, **kw)
[docs] def getChildren(self): return self._subs
def getColorizableTexts(self): return () def setColorizableTexts(self, src): pass def __repr__(self): r = [] a = r.append a('%s([' % self.__class__.__name__) for p in self._subs: a(repr(p)+',') a('])') return '\n'.join(r)
[docs]class StructuredTextExample(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of document with literal text, as for examples""" def __init__(self, subs, **kw): t = [] for s in subs: flatten(s, t.append) super(StructuredTextExample, self).__init__('\n\n'.join(t), (), **kw) def getColorizableTexts(self): return () def setColorizableTexts(self, src): pass # never color examples
[docs]class StructuredTextBullet(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body """
[docs]class StructuredTextNumbered(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body """
[docs]class StructuredTextDescriptionTitle(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body """
[docs]class StructuredTextDescriptionBody(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body """
[docs]class StructuredTextDescription(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body """ def __init__(self, title, src, subs, **kw): super(StructuredTextDescription, self).__init__(src, subs, **kw) self._title = title def getColorizableTexts(self): return self._title, self._src def setColorizableTexts(self, src): self._title, self._src = src
[docs] def getChildren(self): return (StructuredTextDescriptionTitle(self._title), StructuredTextDescriptionBody(self._src, self._subs))
[docs]class StructuredTextSectionTitle(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body"""
[docs]class StructuredTextSection(StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" def __init__(self, src, subs=None, **kw): super(StructuredTextSection, self).__init__( StructuredTextSectionTitle(src), subs, **kw) def getColorizableTexts(self): return self._src.getColorizableTexts() def setColorizableTexts(self, src): self._src.setColorizableTexts(src)
# a StructuredTextTable holds StructuredTextRows
[docs]class StructuredTextTable(StructuredTextParagraph): """ rows is a list of lists containing tuples, which represent the columns/cells in each rows. EX rows = [[('row 1:column1',1)],[('row2:column1',1)]] """ def __init__(self, rows, src, subs, **kw): super(StructuredTextTable, self).__init__(subs, **kw) self._rows = [] for row in rows: if row: self._rows.append(StructuredTextRow(row, kw)) def getRows(self): return [self._rows] _getRows = getRows def getColumns(self): result = [] for row in self._rows: result.append(row.getColumns()) return result _getColumns = getColumns def setColumns(self, columns): for index, row in enumerate(self._rows): row.setColumns(columns[index]) _setColumns = setColumns
[docs] def getColorizableTexts(self): """ return a tuple where each item is a column/cell's contents. The tuple, result, will be of this format. ("r1 col1", "r1=col2", "r2 col1", "r2 col2") """ result = [] for row in self._rows: for column in row.getColumns()[0]: result.append(column.getColorizableTexts()[0]) return result
[docs] def setColorizableTexts(self, texts): """ texts is going to a tuple where each item is the result of being mapped to the colortext function. Need to insert the results appropriately into the individual columns/cells """ for row_index in range(len(self._rows)): for column_index in range(len(self._rows[row_index]._columns)): self._rows[row_index ]._columns[column_index ].setColorizableTexts((texts[0],)) texts = texts[1:]
_getColorizableTexts = getColorizableTexts _setColorizableTexts = setColorizableTexts
# StructuredTextRow holds StructuredTextColumns
[docs]class StructuredTextRow(StructuredTextParagraph): def __init__(self, row, kw): """ row is a list of tuples, where each tuple is the raw text for a cell/column and the span of that cell/column. EX [('this is column one',1), ('this is column two',1)] """ super(StructuredTextRow, self).__init__([], **kw) self._columns = [] for column in row: self._columns.append(StructuredTextColumn(column[0], column[1], column[2], column[3], column[4], kw)) def getColumns(self): return [self._columns] _getColumns = getColumns def setColumns(self, columns): self._columns = columns _setColumns = setColumns
# this holds the text of a table cell
[docs]class StructuredTextColumn(StructuredTextParagraph): """ StructuredTextColumn is a cell/column in a table. A cell can hold multiple paragraphs. The cell is either classified as a StructuredTextTableHeader or StructuredTextTableData. """ def __init__(self, text, span, align, valign, typ, kw): super(StructuredTextColumn, self).__init__(text, [], **kw) self._span = span self._align = align self._valign = valign self._type = typ def getSpan(self): return self._span _getSpan = getSpan def getAlign(self): return self._align _getAlign = getAlign def getValign(self): return self._valign _getValign = getValign def getType(self): return self._type _getType = getType
[docs]class StructuredTextTableHeader(StructuredTextParagraph): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextTableData(StructuredTextParagraph): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextMarkup(stdom.Element): def __init__(self, value, **kw): self._value = value self._attributes = kw.keys() for key, value in kw.items(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def getChildren(self): v = self._value if not isinstance(v, list): v = [v] return v
def getColorizableTexts(self): return self._value, def setColorizableTexts(self, v): self._value = v[0] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self._value))
[docs]class StructuredTextLiteral(StructuredTextMarkup): def getColorizableTexts(self): return () def setColorizableTexts(self, v): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextEmphasis(StructuredTextMarkup): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextStrong(StructuredTextMarkup): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextUnderline(StructuredTextMarkup): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextSGML(StructuredTextMarkup): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextXref(StructuredTextMarkup): pass
[docs]class StructuredTextImage(StructuredTextMarkup): """A simple embedded image """